DFA to Regular Expression Conversion using State Elimination Method


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DFA to Regular Expression

What is Deterministic Finite Automata?

Deterministic finite automata (or DFA) are finite state machines that accept or reject strings of characters by parsing them through a sequence that is uniquely determined by each string. The term “deterministic” refers to the fact that each string, and thus each state sequence, is unique. These machines are called finite because there are a limited number of possible states which can be reached. In practice, DFAs are made up of five components (and they’re often denoted by a five-symbol set known as a 5-tuple). These components include:

  • A finite number of states
  • A set of symbols known as the alphabet, also finite in number
  • A function that operates the transition between states for each symbol
  • An initial start state where the first input is given or processed
  • A final state or states, known as accepting states.


What is Regular Expresion?

The language accepted by finite automata can be easily described by simple expressions called Regular Expressions. It is the most effective way to represent any language. The languages accepted by some regular expression are referred to as Regular languages.

DFA to Regular Expression

The two popular methods for converting a given DFA to its regular expression are


State Elimination Method

The State elimination method follows the following general set of rules:

1.   Add a new initial state (I). Make a null transition from the old initial state to the new      initial state.

2.   Add a new final state (F). Make null transition(s) to the new final state.

3.   Eliminate all states, except I and F, in the given finite automaton. Perform the elimination of states by checking the in-degrees and out-degrees of states and taking a cross product.

After steps 1 and 2, the (I) state will not have any inward transitions, and the state (F) state will not have any outward transitions.


Let's consider the following finite automaton:

Step 1: Add an initial state

Add a new initial state, I. Make a null transition from state I to state q0.

Step 2: Add a final state

Add a new final state, F. Make a null transition from state 3q3 to state F.

Step 3: State elimination

Perform the elimination of states other than I and F.

Step 3.1

Eliminate state q0.

Eliminating q0

Step 3.2

Eliminate state q3Concatenate transitions from state q3 to state F as per the basic rules of writing regular expressions.

Eliminating q3

Step 3.3

Eliminate q1. Check for the in-degree and out-degree of state q1. Write the regular expressions for the new transitions acquired after removing state q1.

Eliminating q1

Step 3.4

Eliminate state q2


Eliminating q2

Step 3.5

Put it all together.

The final regular expression


The resultant regular expression for the given finite automaton is as follows:


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